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Farm near North Hatley_Blank canvas

Nancy Johnson, 42

Lives in Vancouver (BC) and near Montreal (QC), Canada

When I was a child, I used to appreciate the outdoors, living on 100-acres of land in the Southern part of Quebec (Canada), as nature was my unique playground. I was very imaginative, and I would use whatever I could find in my surroundings to create new worlds. In this photo, a blank canvas. This was going to be my very last painting, my farewell painting before my parents sold the farm, and three generations lived on this land near North Hatley, Quebec. I would paint in the barn, outdoors, in the house when I was growing up and used many antiques to bring my ideas to life. In April of 2018, my parents announced that they were selling the land, leaving in September. I was living in Montreal at that time, and decided to spend as much time that I could at the farm, to paint, to grieve, to pack my belongings, as I had two rooms full of my treasures accumulated over the years. That summer was an emotional one, as I had once dreamed of becoming the 4th generation to live on this land. As sometimes childhood dreams only stay childhood dreams, and life isn't as once planned, I am grateful though, for this awesome place, and how it motivated me during my 20’s to keep on going during tough times, knowing that I could always come back to it. Those memories will stay very much alive, and feel that my future will bring me great surprises!

I do still dream of owning my own place, a tiny-house by the water, somewhere, someday…

Additionally, I was a Recreation Therapist for a number of years (graduated in 2002), often using different art forms in my activities with children, adults and the elderly. I have been involved all through my life in all kinds of artistic projects, from painting in live competitions to taking part in plays or story writing projects. I later decided to study to become a Spiritual Care Provider in Health Care Settings, which I have been doing since 2015 and took courses also in the Expressive/Contemplative Arts field. The arts, like visual arts, song, dance, storytelling, life review, visualization, help immensely, as sometimes what we feel isn’t easily put into words. I believe in the power of hope, in trying to overcome our fears, and in staying true to ourselves, while striving to work to create better relationships with the people in our lives. I will keep on keeping on.

Check out my LinkedIn page for more info about my education, work experience...


Painting in the barn
After the tree fell on the barn

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